Adios Ombre, Welcome TwoTone

2:54 PM

TA-DA! Finally, I can say goodbye to my Ombré hair that has been with me for one and a half year (I guess). My hair grew so long and I got so many hair complex especially a huge amount of hair fall. So then, it's just another excuse to cut my hair and change color :p

I got that ELECTRIC BANANA from ManicPanic left and I decided to put it all on my hair. Here it is, the two-tone yellow hair! I didn't dye my original black brown hair because it will damaged my hair even more, so I just leave it as it is. 

As you can see, the yellow part is only on the inside part. The outer part is still my natural hair color. Yeah, it's more like brown since I didn't do anything to it since the ombre hair.

What do you think? It still suits me aight?



10:53 PM

PAR// Natalia Pek
Model// Indah Yuniastri
MUAH// Pauline Herlambang

Check out the full series in Behance

© 2014


Hey hey guys! How's everybody doing? I've been so busy with fashion photo shoots these days, since I'm helping VDS as the assistant photographer so yeah.. But it was fun though. I can meet some FAMOUS people in my hometown and it was nice to finally met them :D

The images above were my FIRST photo shoot in 2014. YAY! So, at first, I didn't have an intention to do that clean look of beauty portrait. I want to continue my CHEFS-D'Å’UVRE project with AWT but he's not in town :( Then Indah asked for a help to me to have some clean look photos for her model composite card. I'm thinking "why not?". HERE IT IS!

Anyway, it's almost Chinese New Year isn't it? I've prepared another fashion shots, JUST for CNY.
Wait for it!



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