3 Things That I Learned From Working in a Photography Studio in Korea

10:29 PM

Hey everyone!
It seems that I abandon this blog for quite a long time. I think it's the time for me to get back here and give you updates. Well, from the previous posts, I'm always give a short updates of what's happening in my life and also little notice about my artworks. I guess I should tell you all in details here and share A LOT of stories here.
I don't know but lately I've been thinking to myself about sharing stories of my life in social media is necessary or not. Coz I know myself that I'm not a celebrity or whatsoever and people won't notice me and will not care of what happened to me. Right? Hahaha. Well, on the other hand, sometimes I feel that maybe my story will inspire people who read it, or maybe think about it and take the value from what I did. So... yeah.. I still have no idea and no particular strong reason why I should share my life online. Actually, I don't know how to write a proper blog post hahaha. So maybe that's why I'm afraid to share my feelings and thoughts online coz I think I might lead people to misunderstand me. Oh well, who cares anyway.

OK, shall I begin?

So, in the previous post, I mentioned a bit that I'm working in a photography studio in Seoul right? Well, I quit since late June and now I'm focusing, once again, in my personal freelance career as a photographer, still, in Seoul. 

The lesson that I learnt from 4 months of working in a studio in Korea are too many to explain here but I will share some points.

1. Miscommunication is a REALLY BIG PROBLEM.

I learnt that no matter how fluent we speak a language, even though you are native in your own language, sometimes we can still have communication problem. Then, just imagine you are working in a country where their language is neither English or your native language. Language barrier is inevitable, especially in working environment. Well, since this is about Korea, I can say that there is a gap between daily conversation language and the working one. Somehow it's more formal and it's more.. how to say this.. high-class? Like.. the terms they use for work is really different from the basic vocab that we know. So yeah.. it did happened to me while I'm working in the studio. 

2. People talking behind your back is NORMAL.

Nope, it's not about me. It's about everyone else around me, especially people who we worked with in the studio. I can say it is a NORMAL thing for people talking bad stuffs and backstabbing each other coz this is supposed to be an entertainment business. They spread gossips everywhere, to whoever. Maybe because I never see it myself before, how people who work in the studio talking about a certain celebrity and how bad they are, I was so fascinated that I ended up eaves-dropping them. HAHA. Well, even though I can't understand most of their conversation, but at least I know who they're talking about. I will not reveal it here coz it's really bad. 

3. Time = Money is SUPER TRUE!

Since I'm working with a non-fixed office hour, I can't get any outside job other than my work in studio. That's why, during those 4 months, I didn't do a lot of personal works coz sometimes I also need to work on the weekends too. Now that I quitted the job, I realised how I waste a lot of time in the studio for doing nothing. For studio job, we don't always have photo shooting everyday, so sometimes we just do nothing in the studio or maybe go somewhere. However, as an assistant, I need to tag along my boss all the time, well not really, most of the time. So I just depend on the salary that my boss give me that time, even though I can gain more during my free times. 

So yeah.. I think that's all that I wanted to share about my experience on working in a studio in Korea. Actually it differs to each of us. Maybe you will not experience these things, but this is what I feel during the 4 months of working. I hope it helps to answer your curiosity of my life here.

Don't forget to stalk my Behance and Instagram for more updates on my artworks.

Bye for now :)

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