Stranger Stranger

10:23 AM

OH GOD! it's been a looong time *i think* since my last post. sorry for that. i'm super busy with my study and my sleep hour is messed up. sooo.. it's been a month, i guess, since i left home and study here in Busan. honestly, i didn't miss my home, but i miss the food there :(

if you look at the title of this post, i don't think you guys understand about it, except for those who are a big fan of Emily the Strange. yes, Emily. i've been OBSESSED by her since i read her first novel. seriously, she's my type. not in the negative way but yea.. i'm like her. so, i was looking through some photographs of her (cosplays) and everything, then i found this editorial. This editorial supposed to be not about Emily but how they dressed and makeups and everything, it's really like Emily.

model: Tanner & Beatrice
photographer: Lucia Giacani
for Twill Magazine

the spooky, gothic, dark theme really suits this editorial design. super love <3

Images are courtesy of Corridor40

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